Dwarfed by Turbines

Dwarfed by Turbines

Friday, April 30, 2010

April 30th, 2010 - loudest in a long time

This morning we could hear the turbines. They are as loud as they have ever been. The first thing my husband said to me was "too bad they are not monitoring the noise levels today"...We both woke up with extremely dry eyes - like our eyes were being sucked out of the sockets. My oldest son immediately upon waking complained of the aches in his legs and asked me "chop them off" so he could feel better. I have "the headache" for about 24hours now. It started last evening sometime and nothing seems to be taking it away.....
Today was very disheartening because my husband was kept awake by the turbines last night and I am feeling exhausted like i did not sleep at all either...we were so hopeful that our renovation expense was paying off, but even though it's not finished and we haven't given up hope, we are no longer so sure it's going to work.
I called the MOE spills line this morning and they transferred me to the Windsor office because when the office is open, apparently that is what they do. I have only ever called at night and on weekends in the past I guess...I reported the noise and health problems and the fellow seemed a bit disinterested. He asked if I had called Kruger and I told him they were next on my list. He said that they probably have a problem with one of the turbines. That's when I told him that "no, there is a problem with all of the turbines - they are too close to residents and someone needs to do something." I told him that I have been calling and calling and that nothing is getting done, I asked him if they were going to send someone out to check it out and he said something like "I am not sure."
My next call was to Kruger where I got voice mail and left a message. I don't think anyone has returned my call yet. I have been out all day, but I don't see any messages on my machine.
Tonight I will try to write more letters, contact more people and bring more attention to our problems - if I can stay awake long enough...at this moment, my eyelids are heavy, I feel exhausted and my headache is as bad as ever....hopefully this will pass and I can proceed with my letter writing plans.
Disappointing day.

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