Dwarfed by Turbines

Dwarfed by Turbines

Friday, April 30, 2010

April 30th, 2010 - loudest in a long time

This morning we could hear the turbines. They are as loud as they have ever been. The first thing my husband said to me was "too bad they are not monitoring the noise levels today"...We both woke up with extremely dry eyes - like our eyes were being sucked out of the sockets. My oldest son immediately upon waking complained of the aches in his legs and asked me "chop them off" so he could feel better. I have "the headache" for about 24hours now. It started last evening sometime and nothing seems to be taking it away.....
Today was very disheartening because my husband was kept awake by the turbines last night and I am feeling exhausted like i did not sleep at all either...we were so hopeful that our renovation expense was paying off, but even though it's not finished and we haven't given up hope, we are no longer so sure it's going to work.
I called the MOE spills line this morning and they transferred me to the Windsor office because when the office is open, apparently that is what they do. I have only ever called at night and on weekends in the past I guess...I reported the noise and health problems and the fellow seemed a bit disinterested. He asked if I had called Kruger and I told him they were next on my list. He said that they probably have a problem with one of the turbines. That's when I told him that "no, there is a problem with all of the turbines - they are too close to residents and someone needs to do something." I told him that I have been calling and calling and that nothing is getting done, I asked him if they were going to send someone out to check it out and he said something like "I am not sure."
My next call was to Kruger where I got voice mail and left a message. I don't think anyone has returned my call yet. I have been out all day, but I don't see any messages on my machine.
Tonight I will try to write more letters, contact more people and bring more attention to our problems - if I can stay awake long enough...at this moment, my eyelids are heavy, I feel exhausted and my headache is as bad as ever....hopefully this will pass and I can proceed with my letter writing plans.
Disappointing day.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

April 28th, 2010 WCO Media Release, March in Queen's Park

Media Release


APRIL 28, 2010


From Tiverton to Toronto to Tiny Township, Ontario citizens will converge on Queen’s Park to protest the irresponsible location of industrial wind turbines too close to human habitation.

This April 28 ‘Ontario Day of Action’ is one of several International protests taking place including Japan, April 30 and Berlin, May 15.

Around the world, government policies concerning industrial wind development have been heavily influenced by the Wind Energy lobby and other interest groups. As a consequence, policy decisions have been made that put peoples’ health and quality of life at risk.

Under the new provincial Green Energy Act, the Ontario Liberal government is fast-tracking renewable energy projects in a bid to meet an election promise to eliminate coal-fired generating plants. In so doing, it has bypassed planning powers of municipalities and infringed on the democratic rights of their citizens.

By imposing huge turbines on rural communities through flawed processes and industrialized environmentalism, families and hundreds of thousands of hectares of beautiful Ontario countryside are being systematically ravaged. At the same time, the objections of local municipalities and citizens have been silenced by the Green Energy Act.

The government of Ontario must protect all its citizens and ensure that independent scientific research on health impacts is conducted before more industrial wind installations are built.

Speakers include:

· Mr. Ian Hanna who has made the Application for Judicial Review of the Green Energy Act as it applies to industrial wind turbines.

· Dr. Robert McMurtry, Chair, The Society for Wind Vigilance

· Mr. Eric Gillespie, Environmental Lawyer

· Mr. John Laforet, President Wind Concerns Ontario

· Michael Trebilcock, Professor, Law and Economics, University of Toronto

· David Grey Eagle Sanford, Toronto-based Eco Warrior

There will be speakers from Queen’s Park as well as elected Municipal officials from across Ontario. Live music will be provided by Toronto artists such as Karen Wild Child, Bruce Palait, Seb Agnello, and Benny Sanders.



Wind Concerns Ontario


647 588-8647


Saturday, April 10, 2010

April 10 - 2010 Update

Did not notice the turbines too much last night and this morning is a beautiful one. Yesterday, I still felt sluggish and had that annoying headache!! Today though seems to have started out great...Now that the nice weather is here, I am excited to spend more time away from the house and the turbines and see if that helps the ongoing, fatigue, headaches, moodiness and general feeling of "blah"...There are many workers here today which is exciting because we are finally at the final stages of the renovation and even though the vibration has not been a problem like it was, we are excited to see if the finishing touches (siding, etc.) will solve the noise problems and allow us to get some decent sleep at night. Of course, with the nice weather we now experience the noise and annoyance outside! Here we have this great yard and we can hardly enjoy it as the constant sound of the turbines is hard to ignore...even at the front of the house, the other day it sounded like a train behind the house going by.
Chatham Kent continues to approve turbines and our newest worry is the 55? going up in the Merlin project not far from here. I believe we may be surrounded by turbines this time next year....talk about compounding the problem!!! I have to wonder, When is enough enough? What will it take for the powers that be to realize that the setbacks from homes are not far enough? With whole towns of people all over the world becoming ill after turbines - and all with the same symptoms (headaches, joint aches, sleepless nights and all that goes with that), you would think that the issue would at least be tested, investigated and dealt with to protect the public. I mean really, the opposition is not asking for zero turbines, simply setbacks that are a reasonable distance to take care of the problems....That's my two cents for today...I am only grateful that the kids seem to be okay, and other than the complaints at night - "my legs are hurting" "my back is hurting"...they seem to be, as kids are, quite resiliant to the problem....
Have a Beautiful Day !

Thursday, April 8, 2010

April 8th - Yes we will share

Someone sent a comment which I can not seem to get to display for some reason asking if we would share our renovation details if they provide us with relief and the answer is YES!!! As soon as we are finished with the entire project, we will be sure to post the details of our renovation (insulation, siding type, roof, etc) so that people can read and see what we found worked for us...assuming it works, we have had some success are not totally free of the noise YET... In fact, as I type this from my office I can hear the turbines loudly outside even over the noise of the contractor on the other side of my wall...BUT we are not finished yet and have high hopes for the final stages.
I also plan to advise different victims and wind groups so that the information can be shared. The unfortunate part to all of this is that the cost is extremely high and it is certainly not fair that homeowners would need to take on this kind of costly renovation for no other reason but to try to find peace from the turbines installed so close to our homes.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


A must to watch...This is incredible....


And, here is a point of interest...it is 8:10pm and our power has flickered for the third time today. We have also lost 4 light bulbs today. The turbines are turning like crazy and are loud, loud, loud...I am about to call the 1-800 reporting number to report this problem....Nik

April 6th, 2010 - Just When We Thought We Were Okay...

Hello Readers,
You have not heard from me in a long while. This is due to a few factors: 1. Ongoing renovations have kept us extremely busy 2. We have had some health issues
3. We found some relief to the vibrations and did not realize that we have likely still been affected by the noise and other affects of the turbines.

1. The renovations are into their final stages. Good news, we have noticed a great difference in the vibration to our home! We no longer see items vibrating off of shelves and it has been a long time since any of us has experienced the vibration feeling within our bodies. We do not seem to feel the vibration since certain renovations took place. We are very excited by this and hope we will never have to feel that discomfort again.

2. I have had ongoing headaches (off and on), and extreme fatigue along with the inability to concentrate. I had thought I was dealing with a cyclical problem related to PMS, however, after tracking the symptoms over the past few months I find that it is in fact not only cyclical, but ongoing. I have begun to notice that the fatigue seems to be going hand in hand with the turbines. Although I do not notice them as much since the vibration is not strong like it was, and we already hear them less even though renovations are not finished, I have started watching them again when I feel extremely fatigued and they are in fact turning. I have tried to omit all other possibilities and this seems to be the last remaining possiblity. Over the past few weeks, we have been able to hear the turbines quite a few nights and some days. I believe that they are still disrupting our sleep as my boys have been experiencing sleep disturbances as well. The fatigue seems minor compared to the problems of before, however, for me, it has affected my job, my relationships and other aspects of my life and I fear for all of our health if we are unable to get proper rest in the months and years to come.

3. As stated, we did find relief to the vibration after some of the renovations started and we fully expect that once the outer renovations are complete that we will have found an answer to the noise issue (at least when the house is sealed up with windows shut, etc). It remains to be seen how we will be affected when we are outdoors this summer in our yard, pool, etc.

Oddly, over the past few weeks, not only has my fatigue become almost debilitating, but also, we have had almost every light bulb in our home burn out. I find it odd that the light bulbs seem to burn out at the same times we are experiencing the most problems and wonder if it is related to the turbine issue.

As we finish up renovations and continue to try to find our own solutions to all of the problems that only began after the turbines were erected, we are horrified to know that more turbines are proposed for this area. As time goes by, we learn of more and more affected families affected by turbines near their homes. To date, WE HAVE NOT HAD A REPLY FROM THE MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT OR KRUGER WIND ENERGY WITH REGARDS TO OUR COMPLAINTS, OUR REQUESTS FOR ASSISTANCE, OUR REQUESTS FOR SPECIFICS ON THE REPORTS AND MEASUREMENTS THAT WERE TAKEN LAST YEAR AT OUR HOME, OR ANY ANSWERS TO THE MANY QUESTIONS WE HAVE ASKED BOTH WRITTEN AND VERBAL. I plan to contact them again this week and see if there is any news, but I am sure I will be told the same thing again...waiting for the Ministry of Environment to analyze the report....

Hope all is well with you, wish I could be better at keeping you up to date...will try harder...Be well, Nik