Dwarfed by Turbines

Dwarfed by Turbines

Monday, October 19, 2009

October 19 - Law suit, press release


This link will take you to the CTV website article on a law suit filed by an Ontario man that asks the Ontario government to protect people by performing proper studies and initiating proper setbacks. Good for Him!!! He certainly has our support...

Up early this morning, I walked out to our mailbox around 7:30 am and the turbines were turning so loudly that it was almost startling. We are currently in the midst of renovations to attempt to soundproof our home (at least the inside) from the noise and vibration of the turbines. I find it interesting - the comments we get from the workers who are here during the day, sometimes day after day. Many, if not all of them have commented on how loud the turbines are and how they did not realize the sound that comes from them. One of the workers who is hear every day and has been for a few weeks now was commenting on the exhaustion she is feeling at night. She said that she has felt extremely and unusually tired ever since she started working here - I believe that to be the effect of the turbines on the human body.

Our next door neighbor, who has moved in only in the last months mentioned that he felt the vibration the other day and was shocked at it. We are coming to the time where the leaves are falling off the trees. This will be the neighbors first fall/winter here. It will be interesting to see if they notice the turbines more in the upcoming months...they are a bit farther from the turbines than we are.

Today, my throat feels like I swallowed nails. We were up late into the night last evening and did not get much sleep due to a fire nearby, however, I have noticed that with the ongoing sleep problems and fatigue we feel that it only takes one night like that for us to experience symptoms of being very ill. I believe that living within proximity to these turbines is wearing on us; making our "bounce back ability" unlike healthy individuals, and more like people with an illness.

My sons rash is back and he is also waking in the morning with an opposite eye problem to ours. My husband and I wake often with such dry eyes that it is almost painful. My youngest has been waking with "water" in his eyes. He wakes up screaming because he can not open his eyes and they have "water" in them. When I go to him, I can see that the lids above his eyes are in fact puffy and appear to be filled with fluid. I wipe his eyes with a warm cloth and usually within a few minutes he is able to open them is ok. A few times, it almost seemed like the fluid actually rushed out, almost like tears. He is seeing another specialist tomorrow.

Below is a message from Wind Concerns of Ontario Group: (It doesn't matter how much! Every ten or 20 dollars donated can add up to assist. Help keep others from suffering. We are spending tens of thousands of dollars to try to fix our problem and we have no guarantees it will work! A lawsuit like this could ensure that no one else has to leave their home or spend thousands to stay in it! Nik)

This lawsuit is the biggest thing that has been undertaken by the wind opposition to date. To be clear, this affects ALL of Ontario. EVERYONE in Ontario who cares about this issue should donate to help this legal action through.

If you care at all about how this government has forced these wind turbines into our neighbourhoods, I challenge YOU to make a donation. Unfortunately, this is our last yet most powerful recourse. Together, we can make this become a reality! It doesn't matter how much! Every ten or 20 dollars donated can add up to assist. Help keep others from suffering.

To donate by credit card or paypal go to http://windconcernsontario.org and click on the donate button. Instructions for cheque payment are also listed there.

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