Dwarfed by Turbines

Dwarfed by Turbines

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Renovations - Was it worth it?

Hi all, Sorry I haven't written lately. I know a lot of you are waiting to hear if the massive renovation we undertook has had any affect on the turbines. The easy answer is, I am not sure.
We are not quite finished the renovation, including the cocking of windows, a few areas for insulation, and a very small portion of the siding. We have been working many extra hours to help pay for the greatly overbudget renovation, so I have not had a lot of time to blog....

This is what I do know.... When renovating, we also did some work on the foundations of the building, I believe that this has greatly assisted with the vibration within our home. I have not had the "vibration" feeling for quite some time while in the house. While I have had some minor feelings of "dizziness", or a "sea legs" type feeling, I am so excited that the mysterious vibrations and heart palpitations seem to be lessened greatly. Unfortunately, I am not sure if that is attributed to the renovation, the fact that I am home far less(therefore less exposure), or because we have not really hit the winter yet and this is when I found it the worst last year. It is unfortunate that even on a nice day we are unable to open our windows because the turbines can not be silenced when the windows are open, or in the yard....

As for the noise, it does seem to be greatly lessened when the windows are closed, etc. in the house. We are sleeping better, however, we often wake with extremely dry tired eyes, and also we all still seem to feel unrested, even after a long night of sleep.

I guess it remains to be seen what happens from here, especially with the new turbines going in out front of the house - we will now be suffering from every angle....


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update.

lindsay said...

Update us again? I'm really curious to see how you've all been...

Nik said...

Sorry I haven't updated for a bit, been struggling with illness (related to turbines??) unsure, will post as soon as I can

David Libby said...

To the residents of the Port Alma area with wind turbine problems,

The Chatham-Kent Wind Action Group http://ckwag.org/ is putting together a group complaint letter that will be sent to all levels of government and others. We are trying to get as many signatures as possible on this letter. Please contact CKWAG if you wish to be included in this letter. The contact information is on the CKWAG website.

David Libby, Ridegetown, 674 5214

Anonymous said...

Nik - any updates to your Nov 2010 posting? This Spring was very windy and would have tested the renovations you made.


Nik said...

Thanks for asking, it's been a long, tiring battle so far....in short, I would say No, the renovation was not worth it as far as the turbines go. While the physical vibration that can be easily felt and noticed within the house has been improved and is almost never noticeable, the noise continues to be a huge issue and many of our symptoms are still present. The worst symptom is the lack of good sleep. We are all sleep deprived, even when we go to bed early. The Sleep deprivation leads to many other issues: moodiness, memory loss, tiredness, aches/pains, and a general "not well" feeling. For the kids, they are much more emotional than usual (lack of sleep), less able to reason things out (lack of sleep) and generally just not themselves...in fact, my oldest's teacher has commented a few times on "what a great day Owen had today, he was focused and not as emotional" on at least three occasions - each of the occasions followed a night where the boys slept away from home at their grandmothers in town...I could go on, but I promise, I will post more soon...Now that some of the other issues I was dealing with have been taken care of, I am hoping to have more time to get more involved again with trying to make the public, gov't and especially the wind company aware of our ongoing issues...Nikki :-)

Twwly said...

Would love any updates.

About to be surrounded by 100 turbines. Have small children...

Would you have moved if you had a 'do-over'?

Nik said...

Twwly, to answer your question, YES, if I had to do it over again I would have moved immediately upon hearing the wind turbines were to be erected. At the time, we had no concerns as we were told they were not noisy, and there were no other ill-effects. Knowing what I know now, I would go back and leave in a heartbeat. Although we spent a lot of money on renovations, and it seemed to help somewhat, we still hear the turbines. For example, at this very minute I can hear the woosh so loud that it is like it is in the room with me. Last night, my husbands ipod played for 3 hours, within 2 minutes of it shutting off, he was awake and was unable to sleep again due to the noise from the turbines. We were determined to "fix" this problem through renovations, we did not want to leave this home that we have worked so hard to purchase and to make our own. However, our marriage has suffered greatly from the stress and the affects of lack of sleep; we do not feel like ourselves. Our finances are strained, and I especially, continue to feel like I am leading life in a fog, constantly exhausted and unable to concentrate and function to the best of my ability. If you can get out, I would get out and try to move to an area where the wind turbines will not be erected. Good Luck. Nikki

Twwly said...

Thank you for your response, Nikki.

I am feel sick over the idea of leaving a place I love so very much. But I can't imagine staying and going through what so many like yourself are enduring.

Thank you for documenting your experiences here.bread

T said...

Sorry, I think that comment ended with the word verification I was trying to type.

Thank you again.

Twwly said...

Nikki - Hi, it's "Twwly" again, sorry to bother you. My real name is Ashley, I live in Kincardine, ON.

Can I ask you questions about your renos? I would really love to talk to you, we are beside ourselves over the idea of selling, ditto the idea of living beside a hundred 492' tall turbines.

You don't have to post this comment, I just wanted to give you my email address, and maybe you could email me.

I was wondering if you guys have any electrical filters installed and other stuff, if your windows are triple pane in bedrooms or not... ETC.

I just am frankly desperate and would really like to talk to you. I am intensely curious about your renos and your experiences because your situation seems to be almost a duplicate of mine. (My kids are 3 and 5 right now and this is our dream home. I would need to be tranq darted and moved like a polar bear who has wandered too close to town... Even the IDEA of leaving my farm brings me crumbling down).

My email address is:

We are going on vacation come tomorrow morning (can't come too soon) and will be back in a week.

I would so appreciate a little more of your time, if you would consider that I would be so thankful.