Dwarfed by Turbines

Dwarfed by Turbines

Thursday, July 19, 2012

July 19, 2012 Turbines in the News, Health Study

Below is the link to tonight's 6pm CBC Windsor news.... see 0:05:32 for the report on windturbines including an interview with yours truly.  I am sickened by our Mayor and his statement that indicates his job is "balance"...It takes only one glance at our horizon to see that $ has taken precedent over balance of any type...please watch the news clip, and the "people's views" immediately following - it seems people are ok with turbines as long as they are "not too close" and as long as "they can't here them".  Well people, I am here to tell you, they are too close - you can hear them, and what is even more scary is what you can not hear and the affects you can not easily link
If you can not view the news cast, here is the article.  From my point of view it's fairly accurate except they got one part wrong.  We have one turbine at approx 600 m, the next at 700m and several under 1000m.  Please, please, write into Health Canada to comment on the importance of a proper study using many markers.  Call your MP and MPP, we have to protect our children from this mess that they will certainly need to clean up in years to come.  The irresponsible placement and use of turbines has to be stopped and if wind energy is to continue, it has to be done in a way that is sustainable, efficient and above all safe.  It doesn't take a genius to see that turbines could be placed in many areas where there are few or no homes, but that would mean the cost of running the hydro there to allow access to the grid.  Once again, $ over people.  So sad.