Dwarfed by Turbines

Dwarfed by Turbines

Friday, May 29, 2009

May 29, 2009 - Report on A Channel News

Today a reporter from A Channel News in Windsor did a story on us with regards to the Wind Turbines near our home. I just got a call from a friend who saw the story, but unfortunately we do not have that channel on our television and I have checked the A-Channel News Windsor and is not currently on the website....maybe it will be when today's news is finished running....not sure. I did find though under their "Special Reports" section a news story on Wind Turbines that I found interesting, and a little disheartening about a family who had to move out of their home. Honestly, the more I research and find out about the wind turbines, the more angry I get. I can not believe that we were told that "wind turbines are quiet" and "few problems have been reported with them". My hope is that by sharing our story and creating this blog, I will accomplish two goals: 1. To help others and let them know that they are not alone and that they are not "crazy" - there are real symptoms when living next to a wind turbine. 2. By blogging this diary everyday, I hope to keep good records about our struggle with the turbines that will assist in helping to determine cause and solution for different symptoms. I am not opposed to Green Energy. I actually don't mind the sight of the turbines. I like the look of them on the horizon. I do not believe, however, in moving forward with any project that has negative health effects to residence of the community.

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